For I am always you

// exhibition, audiovisual
publication, 2024

is an audiovisual publication that depicts the fading of childhood and the grief of losing your past self. 

this project was inspired by my previous audiovisual installation “fear to forget about you”. we are all getting older and sometimes still try very hard to hold on to that young version of ourselves. only, the grip on it seems to fade and the only thing left behind is a vague, blurring and colourful memory.

this publication showcases my dear loved ones and depicts this nostalgic feeling for lost childhood through the use of paper and the combination of poetry and an audiovisual story. which could be listened to while reading the publication or walking through space.

the audiovisual publication was on display for a weekend at STAAL Fietsen Amersfoort, along with 13 other various artists.

for @blauwdruk033
pictures by @gooshengeveld