Mind your

// exhibition AG, collaboration, 2023
analog photography by Isa van Bussel <

In the exhibition Mind Your Language, 33 second-year students HKU Graphic invite you to join them in thinking about the role, influence and meaning of language. In recent months, they have been researching various aspects of this wide-ranging topic. This resulted in eleven collaborative projects using the diverse ways language is used to exchange information and give meaning. Many of the works in the exhibition highlight the complexities and sensitivities involved. What role does sound play in our use of language and what everyday problems do you encounter, for example, if you are low-literate? To what extent does language work as an unifying force and in what ways can it be a tool of power to exclude people? In Mind Your Language, students present a wide range of works that address these and other questions. In doing so, the exhibition offers surprising perspectives on language, translated into installations, video and print In preparation for Mind Your Language, the students worked together on the concept, design and realisation of both the exhibition and additional communication.

For this exhibition I collaborated with four other students on the spatial design. We decided to focus on various ways of designing text in open space.
     The artwork I made for this exhibition, together with two fellow students, can be              seen under the page “Shaping Sounds.”